
The Sessions Collective

The Sessions Collective is a group of music loving friends in Scotland, who promote and produce live events. We are music industry, seasoned veterans who work internationally, and the Collective events focus on local productions closer to home.

Recent gigs include The Intercostal Quartet Live Jazz in Dalgety Bay, and the regular Vinyl Sessions in Aberdour. This is music for the love of it, and we’re here to support musicians, venues and promoters by pooling our resources and producing high quality local events, to the same standards as the international events and designs we work on professionally.

The Vinyl Sessions

New dates and venues for the Vinyl Sessions will be announced soon.

Watch this Space!

It’s a simple concept where we provide great sound, and you bring along your favourite records to share with friends, new and old.

Bring along your records, requests, or just come and enjoy the music.

Watch this Space!